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CrayPat (Cray Performance Measurement and Analysis toolset) is Cray’s performance analysis tool offered by Cray. Since CrayPat is only available on Cray systems, let us give a brief step-by-step guidance on how to use it on Perlmutter.

Step-by-Step Guide

Here we will take Triangle Counting selector as an example:

Step 0: Load compilers

It is important to load compiler modules before Step 1. In our case, source

source ./

Step 1: Unload/Load required modules

module unload darshan
module load perftools-base perftools

Step 2: Build the application as normal but keep .o files

Go to the test directory to separately create an object file and executable for the triangle counting code:

cd $HCLIB_ROOT/../modules/bale_actor/test/
Create a tringle counting object file (.o file):
CC -g -O3 -std=c++11 -DUSE_SHMEM=1 -I$HCLIB_ROOT/include -I$BALE_INSTALL/include -I$HCLIB_ROOT/../modules/bale_actor/inc -L$HCLIB_ROOT/lib -L$BALE_INSTALL/lib -L$HCLIB_ROOT/../modules/bale_actor/lib -c -o triangle_selector.o triangle_selector.cpp -lhclib -lrt -ldl -lspmat -lconvey -lexstack -llibgetput -lhclib_bale_actor -lm
Build a triangle counting executable file:
CC -g -O3 -std=c++11 -DUSE_SHMEM=1 -I$HCLIB_ROOT/include -I$BALE_INSTALL/include -I$HCLIB_ROOT/../modules/bale_actor/inc -L$HCLIB_ROOT/lib -L$BALE_INSTALL/lib -L$HCLIB_ROOT/../modules/bale_actor/lib -o triangle_selector  triangle_selector.o -lhclib -lrt -ldl -lspmat -lconvey -lexstack -llibgetput -lhclib_bale_actor -lm


It is recommended to do make triangle_selector first to see the full compilation command.

  • First, copy and paste the full command and change -o triangle_selector triangle_selector.cpp to -c triangle_selector triangle_selector.cpp to create an object file (.o file).
  • Second, copy and paste the command again and change -o triangle_selector triangle_selector.cpp to -o triangle_selector triangle_selector.o to create an executable.

Step 3: Instrument the application using pat_build

Generate a CrayPat instrumented executable using pat_build:

pat_build -w -g shmem triangle_selector


By default, triangle_selector+pat is generated.


pat_build has different option that can trace a specific function(s)

  • -g: trace Cray-provided library function group such as MPI and OpenSHMEM
  • -u: trace all user functions routine by routine
  • -w: flag that enables tracing
  • -T -w: trace user-defined functions
    • e.g, pat_build -w -T selector_function

Step 4: Run the instrumented executable to get performance data

Option 1: Run the executable with an interactive batch job

Allocating resources:

salloc --nodes 1 --qos interactive --time 00:05:00 --constraint cpu --account=mxxx
Run the excutable to generate a directory (e.g., triangle_selector+pat+174621-8716327t) containing performance data files with the.xf suffix:
srun  -n 128 --cpu-bind=cores ./triangle_selector+pat

Option 2: Run the executable with sbatch script

#SBATCH -q regular
#SBATCH -C cpu
#SBATCH -t 0:05:00
#SBATCH -ooshmem_%j_tri_cout.out

source ./

module unload darshan
module load perftools-base perftools

cd $HOME/hclib/modules/bale_actor/test
echo "--------------------------------------------"
srun  -n 128 --cpu-bind=cores ./triangle_selector+pat
echo "--------------------------------------------"

Step 5: Generate human-readable content with pat_report

Run pat_report with the generated directory name, which will output a text report on the terminal and creates files with different suffices, .ap2 and .apa inside the directory:

pat_report ./triangle_selector+pat+174621-8716327t

Exemplar text report

CrayPat/X:  Version 23.03.0 Revision 46f710008  02/13/23 20:24:04
Number of PEs (MPI ranks):   128
Numbers of PEs per Node:     128
Numbers of Threads per PE:     1
Number of Cores per Socket:   64
Execution start time:  Fri Apr 14 13:44:36 2023
System name and speed:  nid004675  2.671 GHz (nominal)
AMD   Milan                CPU  Family: 25  Model:  1  Stepping:  1
Core Performance Boost:  All 128 PEs have CPB capability
Current path to data file:
  /Users/joseph/triangle_selector+pat+197953-8716330t   (RTS, 128 data files)
Notes for table 1:
  This table shows functions that have significant exclusive time,
    averaged across ranks.
  For further explanation, see the "General table notes" below, or 
    use:  pat_report -v -O profile ...
Table 1:  Profile by Function Group and Function
  Time% |     Time |     Imb. |  Imb. | Calls | Group
        |          |     Time | Time% |       |  Function
        |          |          |       |       |   PE=HIDE
 100.0% | 6.079316 |       -- |    -- | 404.0 | Total
|  95.2% | 5.789928 |       -- |    -- |   2.0 | USER
||  47.7% | 2.901679 | 0.292158 |  9.2% |   1.0 | main
||  47.5% | 2.888249 | 0.000057 |  0.0% |   1.0 | #1.selector_function
|   4.8% | 0.289263 | 0.100863 | 26.1% |   2.0 | DL
||   4.8% | 0.289263 | 0.100863 | 26.1% |   2.0 | dlopen
Notes for table 2:
  This table shows functions that have the most significant exclusive
    time, taking the maximum time across ranks and threads.
  For further explanation, see the "General table notes" below, or 
    use:  pat_report -v -O profile_max ...
Table 2:  Profile of maximum function times
  Time% |     Time |     Imb. |  Imb. | Function
        |          |     Time | Time% |  PE=[max,min]
| 100.0% | 3.193838 | 0.292158 |  9.2% | main


.ap2 is used to view performance data graphically with the Cray Apprentice2 tool.
.apa is for suggested pat_build options for more detailed tracing experiments.

Using Apprentice2 for analyzing results

Cray Apprentice2 is a GUI-based analysis tool that can be used to visualize performance data instrumented with the CrayPat tool. Cray offers a desktop version of the Cray Apprentice2 visualizer so you can do your analysis locally.

To install a desktop version, you can find the installer on Perlmutter as below: $CRAYPAT_ROOT/share/desktop_installers

scp an appropriate installer to your local machine and install it. After that, you will be able to open .ap2 file with Apprentice2.


If you encounter this error: /some/path/./a.out: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory


Specifying profiling region

CrayPat performance API can be use to identify the region of interest (ROG) for analysis.

  • PAT_record(int state)
  • Setting the recording state to PAT_STATE_ON or PAT_STATE_OFF
  • Needs to be inserted before the ROG
  • PAT_region_begin(int id, char *label)
  • Defines the boundaries of a region
  • Needs to be inserted at the start the ROG
  • PAT_region_end(int id);
  • regions must be either separate or nested
  • Needs to be inserted at the end of ROG


#include <pat_api.h>
After generating the instrumented excutable with pat_build and run it, CrayPat will generate a trace of ROG in the performance data which can be found in the pat_report

Exemplar output

Table 1:  Profile by Function Group and Function

  Time% |     Time |     Imb. |  Imb. | Calls | Group
||  47.5% | 2.888249 | 0.000057 |  0.0% |   1.0 | #1.selector_function


Please be cautious that lgp_barrier() will affect the load blance result when analysing with CrayPat region API. Therefore, it is recommended to insert the region before the lgp_barrier() function.

Collecting hardware performance counters (HWPC)

The Performance Application Programming Interface (PAPI) allows you to programmatically collect hardware performance counters (HWPC) in your code. While the user is supposed to manually insert PAPI routines to specify what HWPCs are measured and when to start/stop measuing them, CrayPat dramatically facilitate that process. Specifically, all the user has to do is to just specify HWPC name(s) in an environment variable. Here are the steps to collect HWPCs with CrayPat:

Step 1: Find available hardware counters

Available hardware counters can be find with papi_avail.

Available hardware counters on Perlmutter

PAPI_L1_DCM     Level 1 data cache misses
PAPI_L2_DCM     Level 2 data cache misses
PAPI_L2_ICM     Level 2 instruction cache misses
PAPI_TLB_DM     Data translation lookaside buffer misses
PAPI_TLB_IM     Instruction translation lookaside buffer misses
PAPI_BR_MSP     Conditional branch instructions mispredicted
PAPI_TOT_INS      Instructions completed
PAPI_FP_INS     Floating point instructions
PAPI_BR_INS     Branch instructions
PAPI_VEC_INS      Vector/SIMD instructions (could include integer)
PAPI_TOT_CYC      Total cycles
PAPI_L2_DCH     Level 2 data cache hits
PAPI_L1_DCA     Level 1 data cache accesses
PAPI_L2_DCR     Level 2 data cache reads
PAPI_L2_ICH     Level 2 instruction cache hits
PAPI_L2_ICA     Level 2 instruction cache accesses
PAPI_L2_ICR     Level 2 instruction cache reads
PAPI_FML_INS      Floating point multiply instructions
PAPI_FAD_INS      Floating point add instructions
PAPI_FDV_INS      Floating point divide instructions
PAPI_FSQ_INS      Floating point square root instructions
PAPI_FP_OPS     Floating point operations

Step 2: Selecting the hardware counters

Setting the environment variable PAT_RT_PERFCTR to specific events/group:

  • Predefined Counter Groups, e.g., export PAT_RT_PERFCTR=0.
  • Specify individual events (maximum of 4 event at a time), e.g. export PAT_RT_PERFCTR="PAPI_L2_DCM,PAPI_L2_ICM,PAPI_L2_DCH,PAPI_L2_DCR".


Predefined Counter Groups can be found on slides 38 of NERSC PerformanceTools

Step 3: Run the instrumented excutable with CrayPat

After exporting the hardware counter variable we just need to run the instrumented excutable and generate human-readable content with pat_report. A summary for the trace of ROG can be found in the text output of pat_report

Exemplar output

Table 3:  Profile by Function Group and Function
Group / Function / PE=HIDE
  Time%                                  100.0% 
  Time                                 6.079316 secs
  Imb. Time                                  -- secs
  Imb. Time%                                 -- 
  Calls                  66.455 /sec      404.0 calls
  PAPI_L2_DCM             0.062M/sec    378,368 misses
  PAPI_L2_ICM             0.051M/sec    310,119 misses
  PAPI_L2_DCH             0.001G/sec  6,453,273 hits
  PAPI_L2_DCR             0.001G/sec  6,929,521 ops
  Average Time per Call                0.015048 secs
  CrayPat Overhead : Time  0.0%

Further Readings