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HClib-Actor Documentation


This document describes an actor/selector-based C/C++ programming systems for distributed systems.


The Programming Model and Runtime System

  • A Productive and Scalable Actor-based Programming System for PGAS Applications. Sri Raj Paul, Akihiro Hayashi, Kun Chen, and Vivek Sarkar. 22th International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS2022), June 2022. [doi, pdf]

  • A Fine-grained Asynchronous Bulk Synchronous parallelism model for PGAS applications. Sri Raj Paul, Akihiro Hayashi, Kun Chen, Youssef Elmougy, Vivek Sarkar. Journal of Computational Science, April 2023. [doi] When citing our programming model and runtime system, please cite this paper.

  • Towards Safe HPC: Productivity and Performance via Rust interfaces for a Distributed C++ Actors library. John T. Parrish, Nicole Wren, Tsz Hang Kiang, Akihiro Hayashi, Jeffrey Young, Vivek Sarkar. 20th International Conference on Managed Programming Languages & Runtimes (MPLR, co-located with SPLASH). October 2023. [doi]

  • Enabling User-level Asynchronous Tasking in the FA-BSP Model - Case Study: Distributed Triangle Counting. Akihiro Hayashi, Shubhendra Pal Singhal, Youssef Elmougy, Jiawei Yang. The Vivek Sarkar Festschrift Symposium (VIVEKFEST2024, co-located with SPLASH24). October 2024. (to appear)


  • Highly Scalable Large-Scale Asynchronous Graph Processing using Actors. Youssef Elmougy, Akihiro Hayashi, Vivek Sarkar. IEEE TCSC International Scalable Computing Challenge (SCALE 2023, co-located with CCGRID23), May 2023. Recipient of Best SCALE Challenge Award. [doi, video]

  • A Distributed, Asynchronous Algorithm for Large-Scale Internet Network Topology Analysis. Youssef Elmougy, Akihiro Hayashi, Vivek Sarkar. IEEE TCSC International Scalable Computing Challenge (SCALE 2024, co-located with CCGRID24), May 2024. Recipient of Best SCALE Challenge Award. (to appear)

  • Asynchronous Distributed Actor-based Approach to Jaccard Similarity for Genome Comparisons. Youssef Elmougy, Akihiro Hayashi, Vivek Sarkar. International Conference on High Performance Computing (ISC High Performance). May 2024. [doi]

  • Asynchronous Distributed-Memory Parallel Algorithms for Influence Maximization. Shubhendra Pal Singhal, Souvadra Hati, Jeffrey Young, Vivek Sarkar, Akihiro Hayashi, Richard Vuduc. International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis (SC24). Nov 2024. (to appear)

Performance Evaluations/Tools

  • On the Cloud We Can’t Wait: Asynchronous Actors Perform Even Better on the Cloud. Aniruddha Mysore, Youssef Elmougy, Akihiro Hayashi. The Vivek Sarkar Festschrift Symposium (VIVEKFEST2024, co-located with SPLASH24). October 2024. (to appear)

  • ActorProf: A Framework for Profiling and Visualizing Fine-grained Asynchronous Bulk Synchronous Parallel Execution. Jiawei Yang, Shubhendra Pal Singhal, Jun Shirako, Akihiro Hayashi, Vivek Sarkar. Workshop on Programming and Performance Visualization Tools (ProTools2024, co-located with SC24). (to appear)


  • Genome Assembly Using an Asynchronous Distributed Actor-Based Approach. Souvadra Hati, Richard Vuduc. International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis (SC23, Poster Session, ACM-SRC Finalist). November 2023. [link]

  • Accelerating Actor-Based Distributed Triangle Counting. Aniruddha Mysore, Kaushik Ravichandran, Youssef Elmougy, Akihiro Hayashi, Vivek Sarkar. International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis (SC23, Poster Session). November 2023. [link]

  • Bottleneck Scenarios in use of the Conveyors Message Aggregation Library. Shubhendra Pal Singhal, Akihiro Hayashi, Vivek Sarkar. IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software (ISPASS24, Poster Session). May 2024. [doi]


If you have any questions about HClib-Actor, please contact us at: